We have quite a few reservations on weekends, and we have quite a few on weekdays

Hirashima "To make Amakusa famous" "I want to create a new specialty of Amakusa" Six years ago, I started developing high-quality eggs

(Owner, Akari Kubo) "From November 1st, we will start strengthening our night business as Itadaki Muscle and Izakaya Muscle

Tetsuro Yoshikawa, owner of Ukishima Soba "Old Seiwa Village in Yamato Town" Reporter: "Soba Bunraku?" Mr

What is the unique oden you can get here? Kibunya choi,s Rinka Sakaeda "There's something called Busan Omuk, and that's what we serve

" A man from America, "I LOVE ITOYA!" A man from America, "I bought a sticker for my daughter

Mio Fujiwara (16) "The mother's robe was canceled due to Corona, and I was invited this year

The lottery multiplier for the viewing area has reached 64 times, making it a platinum ticket

However, on the other hand, there are also fish that do not appear on the market

ke0 nhacai "The moment the light hit me, it took my breath away

The peak of the season is expected to be next weekend when "Chikuraku" will be held

" We asked hotel staff dog Ushio (female, 9 years old) to write a food report